Breaking into tech industry — from treehouse perspective
#100dayscodingchallenge — It said you need 21 days to create a habitual, well, not in coding, you need continuous learning habit!
As much as I enjoyed all the workshop, I believe our memory will only take 2 days to forgot them all. With this post, I actually try to make into a writing and remember the feelings that each of the panel speakers express and trying to convey at the Treehouse Festival.
Quick kudos out to Treehouse! I am so happy you guys did this festival. I’ve attended several online tech conferences since I started my learning journey and I couldn’t relate to or understand the majority of the topics. I often just left the conference because it didn’t make sense to me (yet). It feels good to be with a group of folks who are basically in the same place as me, learning about more beginner-level topics, where I understand EVERYTHING being discussed.
Key Skills Everyone Should Be Learning
Soft skills:
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Time management
- Problem-solving
- Patience
Hard skills:
- Utilise and familiar with open-source repositories aka. Large code base i.e. Github
- Know and understand the code
- Code — JUST CODE
- Testing
- Documentation
Software Engineering Manager Sharnecia Williams discusses key skills you should be learning.
Sharnecia Williams
Software Engineer Manager
How to Massively Increase Your Success with Mentorship
Dalyn discusses the benefits of mentorship in his own experience, and how you can use it to up your chances of success.
- Mentor — networking,
Ask yourself why you want to get connected with the mentor?
Dalyn Small
Software Engineer
Ask Me Anything with Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson
Treehouse Founder and CEO Ryan Carson is moderating this live AMA. Now’s your chance to ask Ryan whatever questions you have for him!
I had experience with online study while working however I somehow did not immerse in it. I decided to take Master degree in IT majoring in data science, and with the cost and full time duration, this motivates me to study. But, I realised that taking bootcamp or external studies — online course requires money too. Now, I am in position doubting my degree..
- See your coursework and START building a project, a website, something that you love, first paid projects by selling to your community church. Totally! That’s going to give you the confidence and momentum to keep going too — and open all sorts of doors.
- How to discuss and passionate to learning and coursework? @Tony at treehouse.. What about freelance contract work for Treehouse graduates? Is that a realistic route for someone interested in working remotely not as a full-time employee?
- Hire because show that you are creative and proactive. Be the centre to stand out of crowd. Due to when I aged through the education system, I have no CS skills outside of using a computer to answer emails and use applications for work. How do I prepare to take classes on Treehouse? You need NO skills to startoff with Treehouse. I don’t know about TechDegree, but for the version I pay a little formonthly, it teaches you all the basics.
- Remember that imposter syndrome is real! So, remind yourself everyone is feeling that, so remind how we reach to this point. A little closer to our dream, do not quit, and merge through that long marathon.
Ryan Carson (he/him)
Treehouse Founder and CEO
Recommending Mirroring — MasterClass by Chris Voss › classes › chapters › mirroring
Mirroring is one of the most simple yet effective techniques in any negotiator’s repertoire. Through simple repetition, Chris demonstrates how you can gather vital …

Looking forward to catching what I missed when the videos get posted in a few weeks. Thank you, Treehouse. You’re doing an amazing job!
21st Century Skills 101 with Michelle Zohlman
Join Michelle as she breaks down a few of the many soft skills that are important in the tech industry…and life!
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
- Networking: Making use of our connections, once we request a new connection, do add note
- For introvert people like me and Michelle, conferences or online gathering's means self-pitching. “Intro+ What I do + Something about me — interested, hobbies, culture”
- Online communication, I absolutely agree with you, everything is now virtual. This new norm of remote working has filled us with too many online meetings in a day. Even physical events are now shifted to virtual, the entire course of interaction with people have completely changed.

😊 How to Work From Home Effectively with Candiace Williams
We are working from home now more than ever. Candiace presents best tips and practices for working from home.
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
- Create an area dedicated for work —new desktop layout, busy on top, party on the bottom. I love it!
- Set your hour-per-hour schedule and boundaries
- Communicate — there is nothing like over-communicating in WFH
- Fantastic video from CGPGrey on remote work / pandemic lockdown coping mechanisms, special attention to the mental health component of a big change in environment & routine
Neurodiversity: Understanding Autism & Employment with FIDGETECH
FIDGETECH is a purposeful, supportive community for young adults on the autism spectrum to learn technologies and achieve educational, work, or personal goals.
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
I did not attend her sessions, unfortunately :(
Anwar Montasir
Anwar Montasir is a UX Design, Front End Web Development, and Full Stack JavaScript instructor at Treehouse.
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
- Accessible design is a design process that specifically considers the needs of people with disabilities.
- Web content accessibility guidelines — empathy isn’t enough for disability people, he based his script draft for WCAG guidelines. And do not depend on assistive technology! For example: captions, cc’ed in video, using simple coding like alt+tags,
- Accessible (exclusively for disable people): the curb-cut effect means that accessible design often has universal benefits
- vs inclusive design — include human diversity, aims for anyone in minority group including women, autism, and LGBT.
- vs Universal design — participation in one-size-fits-it-all
- Language — disabled person is identity-first language, whereas, person with disabilities is a person-first language. “Hearing-impaired” is an offensive term, so use “d/Deaf” or “hard of hearing”.
- Design for screen magnifiers, not just screen readers. Is your content legible at 200% zoom?
- Keyboard traps, like cursor and white-black contrast background, reduce cognitive load, screen reader.
- TIPS: avoid sounds that autoplay, avoid unnecessary questions,
So, keep on improving our design. Ricardo, Nina and Jennifer’s personas bring us to focus more to our design.
Lighthouse is available in Chrome. Right click on a webpage, select Inspect. That’ll bring up Dev Tools. Look for the Lighthouse tab and click “Generate report” to see an accessibility score and list of recommendations.
Let’s recap!
The third day was a blockbuster. We heard fantastic advice on how to future-proof your career, land your first job in tech, and do the important work of making the industry more equitable for all.
Building Career Resilience During the Pandemic with Susanne Tedrick
This session will examine the realities of the current tech job market, as well as the key skills and traits that all candidates will need to be successful.
How to Get Your First Job In Tech: Search, Apply and Interview Effectively with Grant Ovsepyan
The Treehouse graduate discusses their journey from retail manager to web developer.
How to Get Your First Job In Tech: Search, Apply and Interview Effectively
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
“Use your current job to develop yourself. I used to tell my employees that even if this might not be your final destination for your career, use the time to develop any skills you can.”
– Grant Ovsepyan
Building Career Resilience During the Pandemic with Susanne Tedrick
This session will examine the realities of the current tech job market, as well as the key skills and traits that all candidates will need to be successful.
Building Career Resilience During the Pandemic
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
“I also focus on future thinking. Future thinking is incredibly important because while you’re focusing on the skills that are necessary for you now, you do need to think about, what’s going to be important for me to know as things go on?”
– Susanne Tedrick
Let’s recap!
The second day kept up the momentum! We heard from real-life developers, educators, designers, advocates, and more. Here are some of our favorite quotes:
Intro to Computer Science
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
“It’s pretty empowering to know what those computer science terms mean and to be able to engage in those conversations, and to feel empowered that you can understand these concepts without even getting a CS degree. A lot of this stuff can be hard at first, and it’s okay not to know all of it.”
– Vaidehi Joshi
Day in the Life of a UX Designer
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
“One of the most important things, in addition to user testing, is iteration. And iteration is really about testing along the way to make sure that the designs you’re creating are actually going to be useable for users.”
– Jamie Renee Wiliams
Building Community in Tech
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
“As you go out into the professional tech world, no matter what your background is, or what niche of tech you exist, I just want to challenge you to see it as your responsibility to create and foster a more inclusive tech space.”
– Elizabeth Stock
How to Get Started with Inclusive Design
What insights and ideas I received this hour?
“So if you find that you strongly believe in designing for inclusivity or at least the idea of it, even if you’re not quite sure how to bring it to life yet, but you believe in these things and you’re having a very, very hard time selling them through, I encourage you to stand strong in your convictions.”
– Cara Crowles
The action continues today with all-new speakers (plus an additional one hour Q&A with Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson, Treehouse Engineering Manager Antonella Solomon, Grant Ovsepyan, and Jeremy “Smitty” Smith on how to land your first job in tech). See you there! >>> talent pipelines —
I have recently come across a productivity tool for online meetings/calls/webinars, it’s crazy! I think you should add it in this list. It automatically captures everything that’s discussed in a meeting like who spoke what, allows you to search inside oyur conversations, organizes everything you said daily in any call you get. It’s called Marsview Notes, one of the best tool while working remotely. →
“I may not have been in tech, but look at all these skills I have that apply to tech”. This, 100%”